For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Summer salmon fishing on the Columbia River has been cancelled. I asked Dave to provide a comment from his position on the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Commission. He said the closure comes as no surprise as we're still suffering from the "blob" and drought conditions in 2015. "We hope that we're seeing the bottom of this ecological event and in 2020 we'll see a recovery of our Chinook runs in particular. I want to remind people though that last year, although the lower river was closed, we tracked the amount of fish that went over Priest Rapids Dam and found that we had enough for escapement needs and reopened the river at Chelan Falls, the Entiat River, Wells, and the Brewster Pool in time for the derby. So we're keeping our fingers crossed and we will watch carefully the escapement over Priest Rapids Dam to determine if we'll have salmon fishing for summer runs in our region." Dave also commented on how the efforts to save Killer Whales may have a positive ripple effect on salmon production and you can see that on our Facebook page. Until next time, Good Fishing!