For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I had a chance to speak with representatives of the Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board last weekend at the NCW Youth Kids Fishing and Hunting Day in East Wenatchee. Melody Kreimes is the Executive Director and Barbara Carrillo is their Outreach Specialist. They told me the board is a non-profit funded mostly by federal dollars out of the Pacific Coast Salmon Recovery Fund. Kreimes said the unique thing about Washington is that it's on a completely voluntary basis and that they work with various agencies and landowners to try to improve habitat for the three ESA-listed salmon on the Columbia River. Carrillo says they loved reaching out to the youth to teach them about the lifecycle of the salmon; the difference between identifying a wild versus hatchery salmon; and the safe handling of the wild salmon to release it back into the water to preserve that resource. Kreimes says there are similar groups working on educating and resource and habitat management in the Mid Columbia; Yakima Basin; Snake River; Lower Columbia; and over in the Puget Sound that work together closely. You can learn more at Until next time, Good Fishing!