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Reports > 2023 > November > Thursday 02
Thursday, November 2, 2023
By er
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Yesterday was the start of a new month. I like to look at it as a start to a new opportunity. To be fresh. To strike out anew. If something didn't go right in the month of October, or if something hasn't gone right this year or maybe it's been a number of years stacked on each other where things just didn't go well. Here's your chance for a new start. I was just thinking about how lucky and fortunate I've been to be in broadcasting for 34-years now. It's hard to believe how the time has flown by. I've had a chance to do some pretty incredible things, thanks to being in radio and TV. What has been most incredible about this journey is the fact that I found a place where I love to live (in the Wenatchee Valley), and that I have found an avocation that I'm pretty good at and that has allowed me to stay and continue to do so. Count your blessings. Get on to a new month. And make things better. And when all else fails, go fishing. Until next time, Good Fishing!