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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2023 > November > Monday 27
Monday, November 27, 2023
By Dave Graybill
Both Eric Granstrom and I have been reporting about the fun times we have had shore fishing at Brandts Landing and other locations on Rufus Woods Reservoir or Lake Roosevelt. I usually wait until some time in December to fish these places, but I just couldn't wait. James Lebow was eager to fish Brandts Landing, so we gave it a try last Friday. In spite of what the Colville Tribe fish checker had been telling me—that only small fish were being landed at Brandts, we wanted to go anyway. The forecast was for a cold, but sunny day, and I got there early to claim my favorite spot. James showed up while I was making my first cast, and we soon had four rods baited with Power Bait soaking as far as we could cast from shore. James got a bite but didn’t hook up, and about an hour later he did land the only fish we got that day. Turns out, Dave the fish checker, was right, it was probably the smallest trout we had ever caught at Brandts. Still, it was a great way to spend some time outdoors. I will be trying to Brants later this winter.