For, I'm Eric Granstrom. We've all heard the fish stories. "Oh, it was the one that got away!" Well, I have a story of the one that DIDN'T get away. Kennewick resident Loren Monson was out walleye fishing Sunday on the Columbia River with his dad Laren. He'd had good luck using his favorite Buffalo rig off a 3-ounce bottom walker when he hung up. Or at least he thought. When they turned the boat around to try to get his lure back, he noticed the "log" was headed downstream. Five minutes later, the Monson's were shocked to see an 8-foot sturgeon burst through the surface, tail-dance, and splash, zipping line off his Abu Garcia 10.6 rod. Loren told me the fight was on for an hour and a half. He'd gain six inches at a time, get it up to the surface only to have a boat buzz by and back down it would go. They finally got it up to the surface next to the boat and Laren grabbed for its mouth only to find a circle hook. They finally coaxed it to shore, removed the circle hook and sent the 8-foot, 200-pound fish on its way. Until next time, Good Fishing!