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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2023 > June > Thursday 29
Thursday, June 29, 2023
By Dave Graybill
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. We arrived in Radium Hot Springs, B.C. Friday afternoon. The next morning, at the tip of our hosts, we headed out for Dogleg Lake. We stopped along the way to fish beneath a log truck bridge so Marion could cook breakfast on the tailgate. The slow-moving stream is the actual headwaters of the Columbia River. I thought I'd maybe catch a bass with a crankbait. On my first cast, BANG! Fish on! Turned out to be a pikeminnow. It was fun as they were defending their shady turf beneath the bridge. I caught six and lost another two. More importantly, Marion made us a great breakfast. We headed out for Dogleg Lake only to have Mapquest lead us astray on a "shortcut". Several sweaty-palm moments later, we were back on the mainline. Dogleg Lake turned out to be a small, weedy and muddy mountain lake we didn't bother fishing. We stopped at Forrester Creek on the way out, a gorgeous stream. I fly fished for an hour without a bite but the scenery was spectacular. The next day we planned to fish a couple Provincial Lakes. Eastern B.C. is breathtaking. Until next time, Good Fishing!