I was confident about catching walleye on Banks Lake. I was vacuum sealing a bunch of walleye and my wife asked me set some aside for dinner on Sunday. I told here that we would be dining on fresh walleye and put everything in the freezer. I made a rest stop at Coulee City, and someone approached me. He said he had been fishing Banks every day and have a great time—until Saturday. Then the fish disappeared. No one was catching anything. He said he talked to someone who had got a few on Barker Flats. So, when I met Dennis and Monica Beich and launched at Northrup that’s where we went. We got nothing there. We did some bites on the hump off Steamboat and that was it. We tried different spots that had produced for us all the way down the lake to below the campground at Million Dollar Mile and got nothing. We made one stop in Poplar Bay on the way back and talked some anglers that said they had three fish for the day. Slow isn’t the work I would use for the action on Banks. It’s like the walleye had just disappeared. Shucks