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Reports > 2023 > July > Friday 14
Friday, July 14, 2023
By Dave Graybill
I have had some video projects that have kept me in the field but not on the water lately. Grant County PUD had me do videos of five of their Recreation Areas. I knew of some of them but found some real gems that I wasn’t aware of. I learned a lot about what they have created along the Columbia River. Then the Quincy Valley Chamber of Commerce assigned me the task of doing a video “tour” of the lakes in the Quincy Wildlife Area. For the Quincy Chamber I did separate videos of each lake, and then combined them all into one short eight minute piece. People can pick the lake they are interested in and watch a short “clip” or watch the whole tour in just eight minutes. These are all available on the Dave Graybill channel on YouTube. Right after I finished the Quincy videos, Grant County asked me to do eleven more of their Recreation Areas. There were several of these areas that I hadn’t visited before, and I know people will enjoy learning about them. This video project is pretty much complete. People will be able to view them soon.