Although the return of summer run salmon to the upper Columbia is falling short of the forecast, sockeye numbers are surging ahead. Here’s the most recent update from the fish managers: Summer Run: The adult clip rate is 78.8% which is higher than the recent 10-year average. The run would be expected to be 69% or 67% complete respectively on July 5, based on the 5 or 10-year average run timing. TAC has updated the upper Columbia River summer Chinook Run size to 57,000 at the Columbia River mouth (68% of the pre-season forecast). Sockeye: Through July 5, a total of 264,004 sockeye have been counted at Bonneville Dam which is the sixth highest count in the last ten years. Based on either the 5 or 10-year average run timing the run is expected to be 83% complete on July 5. TAC has updated the sockeye run size to 331,000 at the Columbia River mouth (141% of the pre-season forecast). After reading this report, I dashed up to Tumwater Dam. I had heard that there are sockeye already over the dam, and when I read the sign, I was pleasantly surprised. Over 3,000 have been counted, and they are still coming strong!