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Reports > 2022 > July > Wednesday 13
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
By Dave Graybill
I got a call from my brother Rick, and he was very excited. He wanted to know if we could fish above Rocky Reach Dam for sockeye on Tuesday. People had been coming to Hooked on Toys saying they were getting quick limits of sockeye fishing with bobbers above the dam. Rick told me he had done this in the past and limited regularly when we had a good strong return. I left two bobber rods off with him on Monday so he could get us rigged and ready. He emphasized that it was crucial that we get a certain spot to anchor off the shore, which would put us in the path of the sockeye running up the river. I got up at 2:45 to meet him in Wenatchee at 4 and off we went. We got the spot alright. We didn’t see another boat for an hour. Soon there were several boats anchored along the shore and bank anglers casting from spots above us. My bobber went down, and the fish took a nice short run. Turned out to be a big sucker. About an hour later I did get a keeper. We didn’t see another fish caught. What a weird day.
There were several people fishing from shore and other boats anchored above Rocky Reach Dam.