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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2022 > July > Tuesday 05
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I dropped my Minn Kota Terrova bowmount unit off with Scott Erickson, The Electric Fisherman, a couple Thursday's ago. I asked if he could have it repaired before the salmon opener on the upper Columbia July 1st. He said he should, but that he'd let me know. It wasn't long before he called and said he'd found a mess inside my motor housing and that it looked like a bottom-strike had occurred. I explained I've only had the boat for 4-years and it didn't happen under my watch and he said it could have happened a while ago and just took time and water leakage inside the unit to show itself. He repaired it good as new for under $300! I asked him for tips for Minn Kota owners and he said #1 is to download and read the owner's manual. #2 is keeping the unit clean. #3 is occasionally removing the prop and checking the shaft for line or debris. He also suggested you check your batteries and charging system and always keep your foot pedal in the boat. If you have problems, contact Scott Erickson, The Electric Fisherman at 509-989-8959. Until next time, Good Fishing!