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Reports > 2021 > November > Tuesday 16
Tuesday, November 16, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I was organizing my shop over the weekend and storing a bunch of my fishing stuff for the winter. My wife Marion wandered out at one point and asked how come I have so many fishing poles. I tried to explain that each rod hanging on the wall has a different purpose and it's better to have more than one rod that functions the same way. She suggested I just like to spend money on sporting goods. That may be true, but I believe my theory has credibility. For example, if I'm going kokanee fishing on Chelan I want to have my kokanee rods with me. I have four of these rods because, typically, I'll have two people on the boat with the two pole endorsement. I'll either stack the rods on the downriggers or run two of the riggers and two off drop sinkers. I told her if we're going to Chelan for more than one day, I'll also throw in a couple trout rods to fish cutthroat. She said, "Wait, can't you catch kokanee with a trout rod too?" Yes, but it's more fun on a kokanee rod. Until next time, Good Fishing!