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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > November > Thursday 04
Thursday, November 4, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For I'm Eric Granstrom. Rains have finally returned to North Central Washington. We're going to need a great deal more than what's fallen so far to catch up from the drought, but it sure feels good. Looking out my living room window and watching the rain come down the other day reminded me of a very wet fishing trip I took several years ago with my buddy Jimmy Grover to southwest Washington. The "Fish Camp" was near Montesano along the Humptulips River. It was late October and the plan was to fish for Coho, Chums and possibly Stealhead. Torrential rains in the area blew all the smaller rivers out so we were left with an hour-plus drive from camp to fish the Cowlitz River below Barrier Dam. Our guide was Jared Cady of Get M Dry flies, who hooked us up with Westcoast Anglers and Nate Bryant as well as MK Sport Fishing and Mike Kancianich. You talk about rain! We wound up catching quite a few Coho, which you can see on the video link on our Facebook page. ( So yes, ask any farmer, rain can be a good thing too! Until next time, Good Fishing!