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Reports > 2021 > November > Thursday 25
Thursday, November 25, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For I'm Eric Granstrom. As we take a moment to gather round a table and give thanks today, I wanted to take a moment to also pay tribute. I am blessed with family who are friends. I know not many can say that. My Dad is my best friend. He's my hunting and fishing partner and I'm thankful to him for passing that gift onto me. My wife is also my best friend. Her adventurous soul has brought out the best in me and I love our getaways together. For Marion I am thankful. I'm also blessed to have an older brother who is an inspiration. A younger sister who continues to shine through adversity. I have an incredible daughter who's developing young minds who is also lucky enough to have married her best friend and, by virtue, added a son in my life. I'm lucky enough to work with incredibly gifted and passionate people who are just as fun to work beside as enjoy casual time together. I am thankful for all these things. I am also thankful for the memory of my Mom who passed 2-years ago. Incredibly, I learn from her still every day. Until next time, Thank You!