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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > May > Tuesday 18
Saturday, May 8, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Years ago, I met up with Dad in Chelan to do some kokanee fishing. Our boat trailer had other plans, however. As we pulled out of Campbell's parking lot, the left wheel on the boat trailer came completely off. After a quick call to Triple-A, a car hauler arrived to take the trailer, boat and all to Les Schwab. I asked the two truck driver if he would stop at the boat launch and launch the boat off the trailer to make it easier for Schwab to work on the trailer. He agreed and while Dad went with the trailer, I ran up to the Yacht Club. Thankfully some friends told me I could park the boat there until the trailer was fixed. Turns out the axle on the trailer broke. A couple days later, I grabbed the trailer and headed up to retrieve the boat. It was late afternoon and I had all the fishing gear still in the boat so I decided to make a troll. Incredibly, I whacked 10-kokanee in 20-minutes trolling right off the Yacht Club. Sounds like anglers are whacking them again right now. Until next time, Good Fishing!