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Reports > 2021 > May > Thursday 27
Thursday, May 27, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I was in 6th grade when the family loaded up the crew cab and headed for an elk hunt in the Blue Mountains of southeast Washington. I vividly remember having my teacher load me up with homework for the week we'd be gone and telling me she wanted elk burger upon my return. I grew up where going hunting was an excused absence. We had one final stop to make on our way out of town, Grandma's house. She had baked us up a batch of her famous cinnamon rolls to take with us. The smell still permeates my memory banks as we set out on the 400+ mile journey. After setting up camp along the Grande Ronde River not far from Boggan's Oasis, I couldn't wait to dive into one of Grandma's treats. As I reached into the plastic bag to fetch one out, a different smell greeted me. Kerosene. Seems our lantern fuel sloshed onto the cinnamon rolls and ruined the whole batch. It was a long week! By the way, if you're camping this weekend and need a small propane bottle, good luck! Only place I found to have any was Fred Meyer in East Wenatchee. Until next time, Good Fishing!