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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > May > Tuesday 11
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I hope you were able to celebrate Mother's Day appropriately last weekend. Traditionally, Dad would skip the lowland lake opener in Washington and take Mom fishing on Mother's Day for their opener. They'd travel not far from their home in the Finn Settlement to Lake 16. It's a non-motorized, 41-acre lake in Skagit County that we've fished for years. In fact, I don't know of anyone who calls it Sixteen Lake, but that's how it's listed by the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Dad would take his 12-foot aluminum with an electric trolling motor and launch from the lake's only, small area to launch. Mom would have her spot in the bow, but close enough to Dad so he could bait her line or remove one of many rainbow trout she caught. I'd wait to call until Sunday night of Mother's Day because I knew they'd be out fishing most of the day. Dad would always say that Mom out-fished him and I was witness to it several times. She'd always yell out "Oh! It's a fighter!" as she'd reel her favorite yellow rod. Mom's gone but the memories remain. Until next time, Good Fishing!