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Reports > 2020 > January > Thursday 23
Thursday, January 23, 2020
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Since Mom passed away September 1st, I've been working on Dad nearly daily to keep him pumped up about the future. He's been able to make one trip from Western Washington over here to go fishing at Lake Roosevelt. In December while visiting his house, I hatched my game plan for the fall. I said, "Dad, I need you to get on your treadmill and your butt-lifter (it's what he calls this workout equipment that you sit on and push your legs and pull the handles and you're lifting your own weight) and start getting into shape." He asked why and I told him that I'm saving vacation time for the fall so we can go on an archery elk hunt we've always talked about but never done. Dad's the one who got me into archery when I was 10 and we've bow hunted deer a ton. I've bow hunted elk, but he never has. I also called him up last night and told him to drop his plans for Saturday because I'm taking him to the Sportsmen's Show in Puyallup. Keeping his mind on goals ahead. You always have to have a plan. Until next time, Good Fishing!