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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2020 > January > Friday 24
Friday, January 24, 2020
By Dave Graybill
There has been a common theme in the reports that I am getting across the region. The inconsistent and warmer weather than usual has been making the fishing less than productive on Rufus Woods Reservoir. When I visited the reservoir even in November people were hoping for cooler nights to chill the water. That was hoped to be the solution to the slow action. However, the weather remains warm and the forecasts continue to register temperatures in the mid 30s, even at night. When I talked to the fish checker with the Colville Tribe he said that there will be a really good day, followed by several very slow days. Again, he was hoping for a drop in water temperature to help improve the fishing. Brandts Landing, by the way, has been the best spot to find triploids to over 5 pounds. As for myself, I think I will plan another trip to Lake Roosevelt. If I can’t find the kokanee I can sure get some nice rainbow, even when I fish off the shore. I have had very good success fishing off the bank at Keller, and I usually get some good catches from shore at Spring Canyon this time of year.