Every year when the summer salmon season is going full tilt, I report on the action on the Columbia River. Most of what I am talking about is being done from boats. There are a few places where bank anglers have a very good chance of catching summer salmon. Right now the Entiat River is open, and you can even use bait. However, recent reports tell me that the river is silted up and visibility is very poor right now. The Wenatchee River is also open and the water conditions are much better. For years I watched people fishing from the bar below Wells Dam catch summer salmon. Sometimes they outfished the boats. For several years now anglers are fishing from the rip rap above Wells Dam and catching kings—by casting Super Baits. That’s right. A three foot leader behind a two or three ounce kidney sinker will do the trick. Another area that I don’t hear much about is the Chelan River. It is open from the railroad bridge to the Chelan PUD safely barrier below the powerhouse. So, you don’t need a boat to have shot of one of these big kings this summer. There are several spots that put you in reach from shore.