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Reports > 2016 > November > Wednesday 30
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
By Dave Graybill
Starting December 1st there are some great winter lake fishing opportunities opening. In Okanogan County both upper and lower Green lakes will open. I always get reports of good fishing on these lakes in the catch-and-keep season, with some dandy rainbow taken. Another lake that would definitely worth a try is Rat Lake, just outside the town of Brewster. This one was rehabbed a while back and the rainbow and browns are getting big. Rat Lake got a plant of 3,000 triploid rainbow and 1,000 brown trout last spring. In Stevens County, Williams and Hatch lakes are worth a look. Williams got a plant of 5,000 rainbow this spring and Hatch Lake a plant of 10,000 fry. With the growth rates we get in Eastern Washington anglers should expect lots of trout in the 12- to 13-inch class and carryovers to 18 inches. On the border of Lincoln and Adams County is Fourth of July Lake. It was switched to a winter managed lake fairly recently. I mention it as it is known to produce carryover rainbow of up to 20 inches. In Yakima County, North Elton Pond is now open to fishing. It received a plant of 2,000 jumbo rainbow to spice the action this winter.