I looked up at Icicle Ridge just above the town of Leavenworth, where I live the other day. Boy the snow line was creeping closer and closer to town. I have to make a run over the passes to Seattle and I loaded the back end of my truck with sand bags. That’s about all I need to do to get my truck ready for winter. The boat is a different matter. I know many anglers tuck their boats to bed for the winter. Many take advantage of winterizing services, like those offered by Bob Feil Boats and motors. It sure is great to pick your boat up in the spring, having been shrink wrapped and readied for both winter storage and then spring fishing. I keep my boat covered with a tarp and as snow-free as possible, as I like to get out over the winter when the weather allows. The first thing I do though is make sure I have put an additive in my fuel tank. This is critical, and not just for winter. You should be adding a moisture remover product to your gas tank all year long. Ethanol fuels are murder on outboards and other engines.