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Reports > 2016 > November > Wednesday 23
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
By Dave Graybill
If I was planning a fishing trip right now there are three places that would be at the top of my list. One would be Lake Chelan for kokanee fishing. There are more kokanee available right now than I have ever seen at this time of year. Kokabow blades and spinners will get them. There are scads of them at the Yacht Club, and there are some nice cutthroat being caught again this year, too. You can expect to take limits of kokanee averaging 12 to 13 inches. Another good place to be is upper Rufus Wood Reservoir. The trout fishing is better than most people realize. A very good number of the 750,000 triploids that are planted in Lake Roosevelt, wind up in Rufus Woods. Trolling plugs or even the same type of rigs that you would use for kokanee is a good way to get them. To fill my need to catch something on my fly rod I would chose Omak Lake. Lahontan cutthroat will readily take a fly and there are some dandies in Omak Lake. I would cruise the shorelines and cast a sink tip line with large streamers or Muddler style patterns to attract strikes.