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Reports > 2016 > November > Wednesday 16
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
By Dave Graybill
My brother Rick and I are eager to find big kokanee this season. We had heard that Rufus Woods Reservoir might be a place to find some, so off we went on Monday. When we left Wenatchee it was raining and we expected to fish in the rain on Rufus Woods. Not long after we launched the Smokercraft and ran out our side planers we were catching fish. They were rainbow. We tried different areas above the dam and still caught rainbow. Then the clouds parted and the sun broke through and even the rainbow stopped biting. We did get one small kokanee of about 9 inches. Rufus Woods may be a place to find some big kokanee but we didn’t. The trout fishing is pretty good, though. The original plan was to see if the kokanee were really at the Yacht Club on Lake Chelan. Jeff Witkowski of Darrell and Dads Family Guide Service assured me earlier in the week that good numbers could be caught here. We pulled the boat and headed that direction. Learn how did by checking out my reports on line and on the radio for Friday.