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Reports > 2016 > November > Friday 18
Friday, November 18, 2016
By Dave Graybill
After fishing Rufus Woods Reservoir on Monday morning we pulled the boat and my brother Rick and I headed for Lake Chelan to see if we could find some kokanee. We put in at Mill Bay and ran around the corner and up the lake to the Yacht Club. We put out a couple of rods on the downriggers and started watching the fish finder for any signs of fish. Holly Cow! We started marking schools almost immediately and in no time had a couple of fat kokanee in the boat. We measured them and they were over 13 inches. We were marking really big schools of kokanee at anywhere from 40 feet to 120 feet. We would adjust our depth on the downriggers to get our baits in front of them and—bang-we would hook a fish. I was running Kokabow spinners and blades and he was running Kokabow blades and trying out various hoochie style lures. It was blast. We started at 1 p.m. and my bow mount pooped out at about 3 p.m. and we had ten kokanee in the cooler. I have never caught a kokanee this early on Lake Chelan, but believe me there are plenty of them there right now.