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Reports > 2016 > April > Wednesday 13
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
By Dave Graybill
There is a whole lot of fishing fun coming up in April, and you’ll want to take advantage of the special events that celebrate fishing this month. The first one is the annual Rock Island Free Kids Fishing Day at the Pit Pond, in the town of Rock Island. Families gather around the lake to catch freshly planted rainbow, and are offered fishing help from the Wenatchee Sportsmens Association and fed free hotdogs and snacks by volunteers from the community. Show up any time Saturday, April 16th to participate. On opening weekend of the trout season the annual Banks Lake Triple Fish Challenge takes place at Coulee Playland in Electric City. Anglers must catch a rainbow, a smallmouth bass and a walleye each of two days to qualify to win the big prize of an inflatable boat and motor, but can also win cash and prizes for the biggest of each of these fish each day. Go to and click on Banks Lake Triple Fish Challenge to learn all about it. Also click on the Catch a Rainbow button while you are there to get the details of this derby that will take place on Wapato. Some one may win $50,000 in cash at this one!