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Reports > 2016 > April > Monday 18
Monday, April 18, 2016
By Dave Graybill
Good news for spring salmon anglers in Central Washington is announcement of the opening of a season on the Lower Yakima River, starting on April 29th. The return forecast is for 4,600 springers, which is 55 percent of the 10 year average, so the limit is reduced to one fish this year. The area open to spring salmon fishing is from the Highway 240 Bridge in Richland to Grant Avenue Bridge in Prosser. This opens about 47 miles to fishing. There are important details about this fishery included in the official announcement and I encourage anglers to visit the WDFW web site at and read about the boundaries, limits and other restrictions. Spring salmon fishing is extremely popular with anglers, and this coming weekend is the lowland lake trout fishing opening, and between 300,000 and 400,000 anglers will be hitting their favorite lakes. I talked to one angler recently who was looking forward to the 58th anniversary of his family and friends fishing at Alta Lake in Okanogan County. I often visit with anglers who have been fishing Eastern Washington lakes for 30 years or more.