When she saw the forecast for 80-degree weather, my wife said she wanted to take a trip to Lake Chelan. I wanted to see what size the kokanee were in Chelan this year, so we headed up there last Saturday. We arrived at the Mill Bay boat launch at about 12:30 and I steered the boat toward Rocky Point. We trolled down past the point and across the lake to the Blue Roofs. I didn’t mark a single fish. A guy at the boat launch said it had been good down here but had really slowed down. Apparently so. I had two rods out on the downriggers. One set at 100 feet and the at 80 feet. I had two rods out the back with 4-ounce lead balls. One was out 70 feet and the other at 100. I looped the boat up lake and the back rod set at 70 feet went off. Eileen netted the kokanee and it measured 15 ½ inches! It has been a while since I got a kokanee this size on Chelan. I am very excited about getting back up there early in the morning and spending a day trying for kokanee like this on Chelan.