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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2022 > December > Wednesday 07
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
By Dave Graybill
When I start hearing about people ice fishing I do an inventory of my gear. I like to share what I think are the necessities for a successful day on the ice, and when I looked at my storage shelf a couple of items caught my eye. I have found the rod holders that are made to hold the small ice fishing rods very handy. They are just made of heavy gauge wire and are easy to fit on my sled. They keep my reels off the ice and snow, and I can place them near the hole. The other item I just started using last season and will not go ice fishing without them. The product is call a Big Eye Spring Bobber and is a thin wire extension that snaps onto the tip of your rod. They have a very large eye and are painted bright red. They come in two sizes, and I get the largest one. The idea is that you can detect even the lightest bite. This is one of the things that you pick up, thinking “what the heck” why not try it, and I was surprised by how much I liked using them.