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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2022 > December > Thursday 01
Thursday, December 1, 2022
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. When's the last time you took a good inventory of your fishing gear? The cold weather and snow have me thinking of things I can do in the warmth of my home and taking stock of what I have and what I might need sounds pretty good right now. If you're lucky enough to have a heated shop or garage, you already have the perfect place to take inventory. For me, I'll have to do it on the kitchen table. However, I think I'll get Marion a gift certificate to get her nails done or a massage while I take stock. Number one, I'm sure she won't want all my fishing stuff spread out all over the kitchen table. Number two, I don't think I want her to start doing some mental math on how much I've spent on rods, reels and tackle over the years. Of course, maybe I don't want to know either. If you get stuck into that rabbit hole, you might quit fishing altogether when you realize how much per pound you're spending for every fish you catch. It's also a good time to sharpen hooks. Until next time, Good Fishing!