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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2022 > December > Monday 12
Monday, December 12, 2022
By Dave Graybill
I drove through heavy snow all the way from Leavenworth to Grand Coulee Dam last Thursday. I had loaded all my shore fishing tackle and bait. My plan was to get there in time to meet with Roni Smith, at the Chamber of Commerce, and then do some fishing at Spring Canyon. You all know I am a pretty hardy angler, but I wasn’t going to spend a couple of hours in a snowstorm fishing from the shore. I had another reason for going to Grand Coulee. I was going to meet Austin Moser and his cousin Randy Skyles to fish at the net pens on Rufus Woods Reservoir. They picked me up at 7 Friday morning and thankfully the snow had stopped. We launched at the middle pens and set up just below them. We got one fish on bait and then switched to casting jigs. That changed our luck. The fish really liked the olive green jigs that Austin had, and we landed our limits of fat triploids in no time. Austin always has a trick up his sleeve and casting jigs was the answer on this particular day. If you are willing to experiment fishing can be hot on Rufus Woods.