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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2022 > December > Friday 09
Friday, December 9, 2022
By Dave Graybill
I have been getting requests for updates on the ice on Curlew Lake, which is very popular with ice fishers. It has a terrific population of yellow perch, with many in the 12-inch class. There are just a few accesses to Curlew Lake, and most people use the one at the State Park at the bottom end. They plow the parking area to accommodate large numbers of vehicles. I spoke with Carly at Tiffany’s; the only resort open in the winter at Curlew. She said the lake just froze over and safe ice is anticipated as early as next week. Although most of the cabins here are already taken on the weekends through February, anglers can park right next to the lake for a fee of $10.00 per vehicle. They are even running a heated hose to their cleaning station for anglers to clean their catch this winter. The store at the resort will be open so people can get drinks and snacks. There is no winter usable restroom. When I visited Curlew Lake last January I stopped at Tiffany’s and chatted with a group of ice fishermen that were gathered at an area out from the docks, and they were getting bunches of 12-inch perch.