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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > October > Thursday 28
Thursday, October 28, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For I'm Eric Granstrom. I dreamed of catching salmon last night. Actually, it was right before my alarm went off. Do you ever have that happen? You're in the middle of a great dream and it's spoiled by the blaring sound of an alarm clock. I was on a stretch of river and the Kings were biting. For some reason, MarDon's Resort was on the shoreline near this river in my dream. Rod had just the perfect rigs set up already on rods for customers to buy and walk out the door to cast and catch. Of course, MarDon's is on Potholes in reality and nowhere near a salmon-filled river. Why does our mind play tricks like these? Somewhere in the recesses of my brain, I KNEW the alarm was about to go off. So why get into a really good dream only to have it make no sense and then be cut off by the alarm clock? Maybe it's because I'm seeing all these photos from the Lower Columbia and anglers catching nice, bright, Coho. Maybe it's what I ate. Who knows? All I know is I better get to the sporting goods store and get out there. Until next time, Good Fishing!