For, I'm Eric Granstrom. We are a weird bunch us fisherman. While we thrill at the photos posted on social media about another fisherman's catch, we loathe those who share our secret spot. For me, I'm just as happy that another angler has success and enjoys their day on the water whether I catch fish or not. Now, let's be honest, catching fish is the better alternative. But I've never really understood the ire some share with others who quote, steal your spot, end quote. YOUR spot? Unless you have private property along a lake or stream that happens to be a great spot to catch fish, it's not really YOUR spot, right? For me, 100-percent of the waterways I fish are public. I launch at a public launch. I fish for species that were usually planted by agencies such as Fish and Wildlife that are funded by public dollars. The resource belongs to us all, not just me. So, if I happen to find a honey hole where the fishing is good, I'm going to share that information. But I guess that's just me. Seems most others want to keep it for themselves. Shhhh! Don't tell anyone! Until next time, Good Fishing!