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Reports > 2020 > November > Tuesday 17
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I am so lucky to have found a partner who loves adventures. Marion and I have met our match in each other. A reminder of some of our adventures is on the wall just inside the front door of our home. For those on Facebook, you can see a myriad of 26 photos capturing some of our exploits. I was perusing more photos to get made into frames and add to the wall the other day when I came across a shot of the largest Kokanee I've ever caught outside of Lake Roosevelt. It happened last summer while fishing Conconully. In fact, the fish hit about the time I was considering heading for the dock because my stomach was not agreeing with what I at the night before and I needed relief. The rod bent over so far I thought we'd hung up on bottom. That thought was quickly erased as I grabbed the rod and the fight was on. As the beast fell out in the net, Marion hollered out "that's a JuJu Fish!" She was referring to my Mom, who was heavily on our minds that weekend. What a memory! Until next time, Good Fishing!