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Reports > 2020 > November > Tuesday 10
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Rumors that daylight would come soon were false. I still really couldn't see my hands, let alone the bottom of the boat under my feet. Thankfully, my headlamp shown the way in the pre-dawn dark. We'd already been on the water for a few hours. Marion had the bright idea of fishing in the dark to see if we could coax a bite. Thus far, that plan only netted us a scare bump as a piece of driftwood thudded against the hull and slowly slid it's way through the inky-blackness. A few lights bobbed in the water downstream and I could hear fish splashing in towards the shoreline. So we carefully navigated our way down to where the other boats trolled and got in line. I shortened up the downriggers with the shallowing of our depth and watched the glowing screen of my fish finder intently. Suddenly, WHAM! Fish on! Breathless moments later, Marion was holding up her first-ever King Salmon while I snapped pictures. As dawn finally creeped, another larger salmon latched on to our bait only to snap it off. Now's the time of year to replace worn line. Until next time, Good Fishing!