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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2020 > March > Wednesday 25
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
By Dave Graybill
In just a week you will need to have your new Washington State fishing license. You don’t want to forget. People usually complain about the cost of a license, but it hasn’t changed for over 10 years, and I consider it a bargain for the enjoyment it provides me. This year spring has come early, and conditions are really great to get out on your favorite body of water. The kids aren’t in school and there are no sports scheduled so practice some social distancing and get outdoors! I know that the WDFW staff has been busy getting fresh plants of trout in our lakes throughout the state, in anticipation of the big opener at the end of next month. We’ll have to see, but I expect crowds to be way down this year on that weekend. Now is a perfect time to be outside, and there are plenty of lakes that are open year-round in our region. The weather forecasts are for 50- and even 60-degree temperatures, so why not grab a fishing rod and enjoy a sunny day on the shore or on a boat somewhere? It’s a great time to be with your family in the outdoors.