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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2020 > July > Wednesday 15
Wednesday, July 15, 2020
By Dave Graybill
I am getting great reports on the fishing for summer run kings at both Chelan Falls and off the mouth of the Entiat on the main stem Columbia River. Brewster will be open tomorrow and I am sure that kings will be caught there, too. The thermal barrier isn’t really set up at the mouth of the Okanogan River yet, but there should be some kings in the Brewster Pool. Fishing will improve for Chinook and sockeye when the barrier is in place. Sockeye anglers are having a ball. Limits are coming quick for those who are fishing below Rocky Reach Dam. They are also being caught above the dam in the morning and evenings. Good news is that the water has settled down enough to allow trollers to work the big eddy below Wells Dam now. The water was just too rough for fishing prior to this last week. Everyone is hoping for a sockeye fishery at Lake Wenatchee this year. I checked the count at Tumwater Dam a couple of days ago and just 100 sockeye had made it over so far. There are still lots of fish on the way though, and they should show up in good numbers soon.
Even though they are spilling a lot of water below Rocky Reach it has been the hot spot for sockeye fishing so far.