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Reports > 2017 > November > Tuesday 07
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I see the Department of Fish and Wildlife is making an attempt to simplify statewide fishing rules. They took public suggestions in September and are now trotting out their ideas, hoping to get adoption in time for next year's fishing season. An interesting line they're contemplating eliminating references bait and chum in freshwater. They're proposing to eliminate the mention of illegally using chum, which I assume means chumming would be allowed. There's also the possibility of taking away the rules regarding catching trout with bait and whether it counts towards your daily limit. I'd recommend getting on the Department's website and check out the proposed changes for yourself. Speaking of changes, I have suggestions on how to change the Big Game Pamphlet. I'm not sure about you, but I choose WHERE to hunt at the same time I choose WHAT to hunt. So instead of dividing the game pamphlet into species, why not divide it up by locations or regions? So I want to hunt in Chelan County. Give me the Chelan County map, it's GMU's and what's open when. Seems to me that would be a lot easier to understand. Until next time, Good Fishing!