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Reports > 2009 > July > Friday 31
Friday, July 31, 2009
By Dave Graybill
If I were you I would be gearing up for another sockeye season on Lake Wenatchee. Look for an announcement from the Department of Fish and Wildlife on the exact dates and rules, but the numbers of sockeye pouring through the Tumwater will justify back-to-back seasons. Exactly why the huge numbers of sockeye are returning this year is a mystery. These fish usually follow four-year cycles, so this season is a real pleasant surprise. Be sure you have a knotless net on board, the rules require it again this year, and have a dodger and red hook to troll for the fish. Start with 24 inches behind the size 0 dodger and then shorten the leader if you aren’t getting hits. Fishing families will be glad to learn that the Juvenile Pond on Blackbird Island in Leavenworth is full of fat cutthroat and the pond is open for business. Many of these cutts weigh about a half pound and families with kids age under 15 are encouraged to come up and fish for them. The limit is five per day. The pond is reached by taking a left off Commercial Street onto Enchanted Parkway. It’s short walk from the park at the bottom of the hill.