As many of you know Omak Lake is one of my favorite places to fish in the fall. The lake is on the Colville Reservation, just eight miles from the town of Omak, and gets very little pressure. It is not unusual for me to be out there with no other boats in sight. I’m sure the reason is that to fish here a Colville Tribal fishing license has always been required. The addition of the need for a Colville Reservation Access Permit and Launch Fee has been a deterrent for most folks to fish here. I have been fishing tribal waters for many years and have had terrific fishing at Buffalo Lake, Twin Lakes and on the San Poil River. I fish Rufus Woods frequently and use the launch at the middle net pens, so I have what I need to fish Omak Lake anyway. We have some beautiful sunny and calm days in October and the fishing is incredible for the big Lahontan cutthroat that inhabit the lake. It is not unusual for my and fishing partners to catch and release ten or more fish an hour trolling a variety of spoons and plugs. It really is amazing.