For I'm Eric Granstrom. Temperatures in the 50's and the sounds of robins in my neighborhood had me thinking it was spring. I nearly broke the boat out, de-winterized it and took it to Lake Chelan to do some kokanee fishing. But now here I sit, listening to the wind chimes outside with the temperature at 24 and the wind chill at 9 and the forecast calling for lows in the teens all week, and I'm glad I didn't. I did visit my boat, however. Oh yes, I wandered into the shop over the weekend and ran my hand down its gunwales, imagining how nice it would be to bob around the crystalline lake 45-minutes from my home. I envisioned the downrigger lines humming through the water as I trolled at 1.8-to-2.4 miles per hour with the bow mount twitching in a slight chop. In my mind, I could see my kokanee rods bent into the shape of half the McDonald's golden arches with a Kokabow blade causing the tip to tug as we trolled along. I could also just taste the delicious, red flesh as I pulled it off the grill. Not this week, but soon. Until next time, Good Fishing!