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Reports > 2022 > February > Tuesday 01
Tuesday, February 1, 2022
By Eric Granstrom
For I'm Eric Granstrom. This may come across a little conflicted, but I'm not a big fan of social media. Now, many of you are reading this on Facebook so you're probably thinking, "yeah, right Eric!" My wife has become a big fan of Tic-Toc. If you're not familiar, it's an app showing videos of 60-seconds or less. It's mostly entertainment but there's a little information and a few life-hacks on there too. One that Marion sent me is actually pretty cool. If you have a tempered glass breathable frying pan lid, you can use it to help spool line on a fishing reel. You take the spool and feed the line through the breather hole from the bottom. Then you put the lid over the spool on a flat surface. Then, you run the line through your fishing rod guides and tie it onto the spool of your reel and load it up. The line spool will bounce around harmless with no tangles beneath the pot lid. I put together a short video of me trying it at home on our Facebook page. We'll see what social media can teach me next. Until next time, Good Fishing!