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Reports > 2022 > February > Friday 11
Friday, February 11, 2022
By Dave Graybill
I have been eager to try casting with my new switch rod, but the weather had just been too cold. Nothing is more frustrating than trying to cast when your guides are full of ice. Now that it has warmed up and I had a trip planned to Moses Lake, I made a stop on the way down at Rocky Ford Creek. I was pleased to see that they have recently graded and smoothed the road, and it’s in great shape in spite of the snow and then muddy conditions in many areas. I found a spot below the first bridge where I could try out the 11-foot rod. I had just put together the Skagit head and running line and was ready to try this new technique. I had watched several videos on how to make a switch rod cast and hoped that would be enough to give me a decent start. I struggled a bit but was able to throw a fly at least 50 feet or 60 feet. It was still a bit chilly when I started out, and the new running line was like a slinky. I need to try to stretch it out, so it doesn’t rattle through the guides or ball up. I know I will be able to really improve on my distance with a more practice. It’s going to be fun to learn a new way to throw a fly and maybe be able to reach fish I haven’t been able to before
It was a nice clear and calm day to be on Rocky Ford Creek to try out my new switch rod.