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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > September > Tuesday 14
Tuesday, September 14, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Live happens while you're making other plans. This statement becomes more true the longer I live. Such was the case for Mom and Dad in 2013. Dad had just retired and they were planning to travel the country together. Then, Mom was diagnosed with dementia and their whole world changed. Sometimes the curveballs of life are not so dramatic. Sometimes it's just a scheduling snafu that comes out of the blue. I'm sure that was the case for a group that had booked a fishing trip with my buddy Shane Magnuson for tomorrow on the lower Columbia River. As of this morning, he has the rare availability for you to go out with him tomorrow morning near Bonneville Dam. It was about this time of year that I got Mom out with Shane for an incredible experience back in 2014 to get her into a big fish. If you go to our Facebook page, I've uploaded the video from that day. It's also the time of year that the Alzheimer's Association is doing their annual fundraiser walk. Contribute if you can. Savor every day. You never know when life will happen. Until next time, Good Fishing!