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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > September > Thursday 09
Thursday, September 9, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. I'll admit it, I'm still a novice when it comes to walleye. Marion and I spent a significant amount of our Labor Day weekend drifting around Banks Lake fishing for walleye. Ever since I introduced Marion to the taste of these amazing fish on Roosevelt several years ago, she's hooked. Now if I could just get better at fishing for them, out tummies would be much happier too. You can watch a video on our Facebook page today of our plight last weekend. We fished off Steamboat Rock in 50-feet of water, trolling worm harnesses and a bottom bouncer. Fish were all over the screen, which had me scratching my head. I still don't know if it was walleye on the screen or carp, but the water column was full of marks. We happened into a 20-inch walleye Sunday morning and another 17-incher 30-minutes later. But that was it. A 21-inch walleye graced us with a bite Monday morning, but nothing else. All three fish hit a purple-colored Wally Pop from Mack's Lure. Now, with all three fishing being niced-size, you don't need a lot for a meal. I'm still learning. Until next time, Good Fishing!