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Fishin' Reports

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Reports > 2021 > January > Wednesday 27
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
By Dave Graybill
When I look out and see another day of snow falling in Leavenworth, I start daydreaming about what I am going to do this spring. Something that has been on my list the past couple of year is to fish for pike on Lake Roosevelt. Not only would this be fun, the fish are great eating, and the Colville Tribe will pay me to do it! When you participate in the Northern Pike Reward Program offered by the Colville Tribes’ Fish and Wildlife (CTFW) Department, you can get paid $10 for every pike head turned in. You must be 17 years of age or older to participate in the program. Also, the fish heads must be in good condition and there is no daily harvest limit. All pike count for a payout whether big or small. In 2020, anglers turned in 1,122 northern pike with a payout of $11,220. This brings the total number of pike anglers have removed to 3,193 since 2017. Anglers can drop off their pike heads at these locations: Noisy Waters Gas Station, Kettle Falls boat launch, Hunters boat launch, Fort Spokane boat launch, and the Inchelium Fish and Wildlife office.
Here is one of the pike taken in a gillnet by the Colville Tribe.