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Reports > 2021 > January > Thursday 14
Thursday, January 14, 2021
By Eric Granstrom
For, I'm Eric Granstrom. Imagine you're a married couple who loves to fish. The husband has worked a career as a lineman while the wife has been an event planner and sales manager in media. Then you have the opportunity of a lifetime land in your lap. Merle Schuyler of Schuyler Productions offers you a chance to buy the sports shows in Yakima, Tri-Cities and your home town of Wenatchee. Merle even offers to teach you the ropes and introduce you to all the players involved in your first year and the plan is to hand the reigns over the following year. That's exactly the scenario for John and Amy Gustin. Then, just as they were emerging from their first year of learning the ropes with Merle leading the way, COVID-19 hits and shuts everything down. Thankfully, Schuyler was nice enough to take Yakima and Tri-Cities back, leaving the Gustin's with just the Wenatchee show. As we've all had to adjust to life amid a pandemic, so too have the Gustin's. Amy and John have made the difficult decision to cancel the Wenatchee show this year. But, they tell me they have dates for 2022. Until next time, Good Fishing!