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Reports > 2017 > July > Friday 28
Friday, July 28, 2017
By Dave Graybill
If you haven’t already heard, there has been a rule change for salmon fishing in the Brewster Pool. Anglers may now keep one wild or unclipped Chinook per day as part of the daily bag limit. The area where this rule applies is from the Highway 173 Bridge at Brewster upstream to the Highway 17 Bridge at Bridgeport. This fishery will be monitored closely and may close on short notice. The daily salmon limit is still four fish, and anglers should check the sport fishing rules pamphlet for the complete details. This is the first time in four seasons that anglers have been able to keep a wild fish in this area. While summer salmon returns are falling short of escapement goals in most upper Columbia tributaries, these goals are being obtained in the Okanogan River. I also want to remind anglers that the purse seine operated by the Colville Tribe has been gathering brood stock for their salmon hatchery that releases nearly 3 million salmon each year. The increased number of hatchery fish taken in the Brewster Pool this year is a result. The tribe is also releasing hundreds of thousands of spring salmon and is working to establish a run of spring salmon in the Okanogan River.