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Reports > 2017 > December > Friday 08
Friday, December 8, 2017
By Dave Graybill
We are in that “in between” time for fishing in the region. According to Keith Roe, at North 40 Outfitters in Omak, the kokanee bite on Lake Roosevelt won’t really get rolling for another couple of weeks. There is ice forming on some of the lakes up north, but it is a ways from being safe enough for ice fishing. However, there are some good reports coming from Rufus Woods Reservoir. There are some big triploids coming from the area of the net pens. Fly anglers are doing well in the area, and so are the bank anglers. I will remind people that there are a lot of small, half-pound rainbow in Rufus Woods right now, and it would be best to cast spinners and spoons with barbless hooks. Otherwise you will have your two-fish limit in no time. Another area on Rufus Woods that is productive is at Brandts Landing. There are several good spots to cast here. Keith has done very well in the past at Brandts casting with a bobber and jig, as he would for steelhead. Very small jigs are the best, and the fish are in easy reach. Walleye fishing is also very good right now on upper Rufus Woods Reservoir.